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COACHINg Services

Professional coaching to support your success

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Image by Trent Erwin

Leadership & Business Coaching

Leadership Coaching is not just for executives but for anyone that is serious about moving forward with a defined purpose for their career, their business, or their even a desire to start or grow their own business.

We will work with you to define where you are now and where you wish to be. The coaching will focus on closing the gap between these, so that you may overcome any obstacles, expand beyond self imposed limitations, and set out a roadmap for your goals.

This service can be from 4 to 6 sessions but not limited to that, and can also lead to a Leadership Journey (see below)

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Strengths Coaching

Being consciously aware what your talents and strengths are can make a big difference in how you use those talents and also where your blind spots are.

We are Certified in Gallup Global Strengths Coaching, and use the Clifton 34 Strengths and Manager profile report to support you in maximising your potential.

This coaching service is available from 1 to 4 sessions, depending on your needs.

You will leave with a very clear focus for how to use your top strengths for enhanced results, effectiveness, and relationships.


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Strengths Coaching
Winding Roads

Leadership Journey

 Some people ask to work with us for a longer period, such as 6 months or 1 year, and go on a 'Journey' into their PersonalBusiness or Life Goal. 

This longer time period allows them to go deep into their understanding of themselves. Deep self awareness, in combination with a clear vision of their Goal, makes it possible for them to take massive action toward that Goal being realised.

This service is designed for those with Big Goals or Dreams, who are prepared to do what it takes to achieve that success.

We will be your supportive and committed Guide  along this incredible Journey.

Coaching Journeys
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